
How to Protect Your Computer from Wi-Fi Hacking:

→    Someone can hack your computer through WiFi if you have a weak password or if your router has security vulnerabilities. Here are some of the ways hackers can hack your computer through WiFi:

Here are some safety tips to help protect your computer from being hacked through WiFi:

Following these safety tips can help protect your computer from being hacked through WiFi.

Cybersecurity Awareness for Students

Reasons for Cybersecurity Awareness for Students

★       Computer and Mobile Security Vulnerabilities

★       Password Security Weaknesses: Because so many applications and websites require passwords, Students often default to reusing one they have used on several other sites and accounts. These are often easy to guess and predictable. When one of your accounts gets hacked, all accounts with the same password are vulnerable. Please avoid to use your password for your personal information such kids names, birthdays, addresses, phone numbers and common words. 

★       Phishing Attacks: How to spot phishing emails? please watch the below video.  

★       Social Media Dangers

★       Campus Thefts and Scams

★       Travel and Off-campus Data Security Thefts

Ways to Protect Yourself from Hackers

★       Educate Yourself

★       Use a password, lock code or encryption

★       Be skeptical about links and attachments- If you’re not sure about the source, don’t use the link or open the attachment.

★       Create strong passphrases 

★       Stay aware of potential scams

★       Secure your devices and computers - Your personal devices often contain sensitive and confidential data. Ensure you are taking the necessary steps to keep this data safe, like keeping your computer's operating system, anti-virus and software updated and backing up your data. 

★   Don’t access personal or financial data with public Wi-Fi.

★   Don't give out personal information such as your address or phone number.

★   Don’t send pictures of yourself to anyone, especially indecent pictures.

★   Don't open emails or attachments from people you don't know.

★       Don't become online ‘friends’ with people you don't know.

★       Choose your apps wisely

Follow these guidelines to protect your personal information and computer online.

★     Install and maintain up to date anti-virus software on your computer or device.

★     Keep your internet browser up-to-date.

★     Be alert to unusual computer activity or problems.

★     Install and maintain a firewall on your computer.

★     Use a modern browser with features such as a pop-up blocker.

★     Avoid storing sensitive material indefinitely on your computer.

★     Change your passwords often.

★     Beware of links sent via instant messaging and e-mail attachments.


Cybersecurity Awareness for Women

Cybersecurity is now a part of every individual’s life. The more connected we get, safeguarding our digital identities becomes a shared responsibility. The more we share, the more we must care ourselves. It is an initiative to put conscious efforts towards ensuring better cyber security hygiene and incorporate stronger security measures. In Somalia women are leading as entrepreneurs, creating jobs for others, helping children for studies, as home makers-keeping as managing daily life activities and resources and also in other leading roles.

Although we are in 21st century, women are still often felt as victims, enduring pain and loss in both their private lives and public affairs. Old practices continue today in the form of harassment, and more. Today's cyber or virtual world is opening up new ways to reach and attack women.

While there are many security tools and spaces for women to benefit from the cyber world, the lack of awareness about safe use of objects leaves women more vulnerable to cyberattacks than men. In addition, cybercriminals are trying to harass women by email, social media and other platforms. Awareness tips can help women protect themselves from these cyberattacks and keep women and their families safe.

Cyber safety for women tips:

★     Don’t share your personal information and password to anyone

★     Don’t leave your webcam connected

★     Beware of fake profiles

★     Don’t share more than necessary of your personal information

★     Update all operating systems on your devices

★     Maintain your privacy online

★     Secure your devices with anti-virus software

★     Check your account settings regularly

★     Block people you don’t want to interact with

★     Avoid participating with unknown members in chat rooms.

Cybersecurity Awareness for Government Employees


All civil servants’ employees are responsible when they are using ICT department facilities, networks, equipment’s and other services such as Wi-Fi, Official Emails, Communication devices etc. Cybersecurity awareness for Government Employees training programs is an effective way to educate government officials about the current cyberthreat landscape in order to reduce the risk of cyberattacks and build a strong security culture in government organizations. They should have an adequate knowledge and practices of the fallowing topics:-

★      Malware Attack

★      Social Engineering Attacks

★      Phishing and Spam Attacks

★      DDoS Attacks

★      Ransomware Attacks

★      Password Attacks

★      And other types of attacks

Building a Culture (Human Firewall) of Cybersecurity Awareness

For cybersecurity training awareness’s will develop a human firewall. In addition, all government departments and employees should be able to participate in common cybersecurity best practices. This helps build a strong culture that encourages everyone to make informed decisions in accordance with agency security policies. Giving each employee personal responsibility for cybersecurity comes closest  to creating a human firewall (Allowing a stranger inside an organization without authorization is an example of a broken link in the human firewall chain.).

Cyber Law and Implementations

According to EU “Cybercrime consists of criminal acts committed online by using electronic communications networks and information systems”. Therefore, Somalia has to implemented cyber laws. The federal government of Somalia getting with cooperation with federal member states should be responsible to provide safe and secure cyberspace in the country to Somali citizens.

Cybersecurity Awareness for Police Officer

The cybersecurity awareness and trainings for police officers in how to identify and respond to cyber-attacks and threats, will allow them to fight technology crimes. Police can play an important role to implement cyber law in order to ensure that citizens of Somalia remain digitally safe.

Cybersecurity awareness training for all government employees particularly police officers, regardless of role, is an absolute necessity if an organization is serious about shielding its sensitive data from cybercriminals.

Somali Police Officer should have:-

★    Good Understanding of the Technology,

★    Know Communication devices we use daily such as Mobile, Laptops, Desktops and Tablets

★    How internet works and Internet service providers

★    How the citizens are targeted for online fraud such as phishing, social engineering and malware attacks ( such as adware, spyware, trojan horse and ransomware)

★    A good level of Understanding about the tools and techniques to investigate and bring the hackers (bad actors such as Black Hat Hacker, Green Hat Hacker) to Justice by understanding the different ICT laws.

Awareness for the police is very much important to understand the various issues related to cyber world in order to promote a safe digital information. 

AKHRISO:- Maxay Shirkadaha Ganacsiga Soomaalidu Ka  Baran Karaan Weerarka Dhanka Internetka ee Lagu Qaaday Uber oo Caalamka Dhanka Socdaalka Ka Shaqaysa (Takaasida)

Hormarka uu aadanahu ka gaaray dhanka tiknoolijiyadda, waxay horseeday in loo isticmaalo siyaabo kala duwan. Shirkadda 𝐔𝐛𝐞𝐫 oo ah mid ka mid ah shirkaddaha ugu waa wayn ee caalamka dhanka socdaalka (Taksiga), ayaa bilowday baaritaan wayn kadib markii lagu soo qaaday weerar dhanka internet ka ah. 𝐔𝐛𝐞𝐫 waxa ay baahisay in weerar yahanadu (attackers) ay gudaha u soo galeen akoonada shirkadda, taas oo siisay jabsiga akoonnada shaqaalaha iyo aaladaha dhowr ah sida 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 iyo 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤.

Dhacdadaan ayaa dhacday 15 bishaan sapteembar 2022, sida aan ka soo xiganay warbixin ay daabacday New-York Times. 𝐔𝐛𝐞𝐫 ayaa xaqiijisay in la jabsaday shirkadooda subaxnimadii jimcaha 16 bishan Septeember. Waxa ayna bartooda twitter ka soo dhigeen "Waxa aan hada ka jawaabeynaa ficil amni oo dhanka internetka ah. Waxaan la xiriirnay hay'adaha fulinta sharciga waxaan dib idinkala wadaagi doonaa wixii cusub marka ay diyaar noqdaan”.

Wararka intooda badan ayaa sheegaya in ay tani horseeday tababar la’aan dhanka shaqaalaha shirkadda, kuwaas oo aanan intooda badani aysan fahan sanayn khataraha amniga internet ka. Shirkadaha dalkeena Soomaaliya khaas ahaan Bankiyadda, shirkadaha isgaarsiinta iyo dhanka dowlada waxa lagama maarmaan u ah in ay ku buraarugaan sida ay kor ugu qaadi lahayeen difaaca qalabyadooda iyo tababarida shaqaalahooda.

J.D. Consultancy Ltd oo ah shirkadda kala Talisa xafiisyada ganacsiga, shirkadaha iyo xafiisyada dowlada ayaa bilowday tababarida shaqalaayaasha iyo kor u qaadisata qalabka difaac ee goobaha.

Wixii faah faahin ah oo ku saabsan arimaha cybersecurity ka iyo tababarida shaqaalaha waxa kala xiriiri kartaan 𝐉𝐃 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲.

W/Q Abdinasir Hirsi Abdi

Cybersecurity Enthusiast

Coaching and helping organizations to build a secure network infrastructure along with human firewall

Cybersecurity Awareness for Children

In today's digital age, cybersecurity is more important than ever before. With the rapid advancement of technology, the online world has become an essential part of our daily lives. Children, in particular, are increasingly using digital devices, and it's crucial to educate them on how to use technology safely and securely. In Somalia, where internet access is becoming more prevalent, it's essential to promote cybersecurity awareness among children.


Here are some tips for Somali children to stay safe online:

★    Talk to a trusted adult: Children should be encouraged to talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent or teacher, if they come across any suspicious online activity. This could include messages from strangers or inappropriate content.

★    Use strong passwords: Encourage children to use strong and unique passwords for all their online accounts. A strong password includes a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. They should avoid using easily guessable passwords such as their name, birth date, or common words.

★    Keep personal information private: Children should be mindful of what personal information they share online, including their full name, address, school, and phone number. They should only share personal information with trusted individuals and avoid oversharing on social media.

★    Beware of phishing scams: Children should be aware of phishing scams, where cybercriminals send fake emails or messages to trick them into sharing personal information or clicking on malicious links. They should never open suspicious emails or click on links from unknown senders.

★    Use security software: Children should have security software installed on their devices to protect against viruses and malware. This software should be updated regularly to ensure maximum protection.

★    Be careful with downloads: Children should only download content from trusted sources, such as app stores or reputable websites. They should avoid downloading files from unknown sources, as these may contain malware or viruses.


In addition to these tips, parents and teachers can play a vital role in promoting cybersecurity awareness among Somali children. They can provide guidance on safe online practices, monitor their children's online activities, and ensure that they use the internet responsibly.


In conclusion, cybersecurity awareness is crucial for Somali children to stay safe online. By following these tips and promoting safe online practices, children can use the internet confidently and without fear of falling victim to cybercrime. Let's work together to create a safe and secure online environment for our children.

If You Believe You Have Been the Victim of a Cyberattack Here are Some Tips You Should Take:

→    Disconnect from the internet: If you suspect a cyberattack, disconnect your computer from the internet to prevent further damage.

→    Assess the damage: Determine the extent of the damage, including what data or systems have been compromised.

→    Contact the authorities: Report the attack to the relevant authorities, such as your local police department or the FBI, especially if you believe that sensitive data has been stolen.

→    Change your passwords: If any of your passwords have been compromised, change them immediately. Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

→    Update your security software: Make sure your security software is up-to-date and scan your computer for viruses, malware, and other malicious software.

→    Backup your data: If you have not done so already, backup your data and store it in a safe location.

→    Notify affected parties: If the attack has affected any other parties, such as customers or employees, notify them immediately.

→    Implement new security measures: Take steps to improve your overall cybersecurity, such as implementing stronger passwords, regularly updating your software, and training employees on how to identify and prevent cyberattacks.

It's essential to act quickly and methodically in response to a cyberattack to minimize damage and prevent future attacks.